Plant: Creeping Phlox - Emerald Blue (flox trepadora) front left of photo
Purchased at: Home Depot
Planted: March 25, 2007 - front yard
Photo Taken: June 6, 2008
Details given at purchase: Sun - Perennial - Height 4-6" - Spring Blooms - Width 12-18" - Hardy to -40
9.2007 - both looked dead
6.8.2008 - two were planted in 2007, only came back this year. Was full of blooms but they have faded away with the high summer heat
Plant: Dianthus - Supra Purple
Planted: 2006 - originally in pot on front porch; moved to front yard
Photo Taken: June 6, 2008
Details given at purchase: Attracts Butterflies - Sun or Part Sun - Height 12"
Spring 2006 - Flowers looked good and then all the blooms died
9.2006 - Blooms returned and has continued to do well
10.2006 - Began to die off with cooler weather
3.2007 - Left this outside all winter in a pot from 2006. It actually grew and has a few blooms
9.2007 - After a lot of blooming, the flowers weren't looking great. I planted them in the ground just to see what would happen. One actually bloomed.
6.8.2008 - Surprisingly, one of these plants surived (top right of photo - tall plant near irises). Earlier it was FULL of blooms and the plant got very large
Plant: Verbena - Ron Deal
Purchased at: Lowe's
Planted: Spring 2006 - front yard
Photo Taken: June 6, 2008
Details given at purchase: Full Sun - Blooms Summer to Fall - Spreading Habit - Hardy to 10 - Attracts Butterflies - Remove spent flowers - Fertilize in Summer -
Summer 2006 - After purchasing, split into two. Neither did well and I threw one away. I planted the other in the ground and surprisingly it recovered. Bloomed again in June after a hardy rain.
9.2006 - Still blooming but not spreading much
3.2007 - green starting to peek through from last year
9.2007 - Got large, very pretty with a lot of purple blooms
6.8.2008 - Bloomed nicely earlier, but is starting to fade now
Plant: Purple Hearts
Planted: June 2006 - front yard
Photo Taken: June 6, 2008
6.2006 - Doing well, saw first blooms
7.2006 - Growing and doing well
9.2006 - Doing great - large, but hidden by another plant
3.2007 - Just starting to peek through
9.2007 - Both came back and pretty well. Plant on the left got larger, possibly too much shade on the right plant from the irises
6.8.08 - Both came back once again. One plant is still larger than the other.
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